Chinatown Soup is pleased to present Windows of Transcendence, an exhibition of paintings by Lucas Lovejoy that is on view from September 28 - October 10, 2021. Please join us for an opening reception on Friday, October 1st from 6-9pm and an artist-led meditation on Thursday, October 7th. RSVP at Event Soup.

Through painting, Lucas explores an array of esoteric subjects, from deep sea intelligence to Old Testament stories and quantum physics. His works present these seemingly unrelated phenomena as cohesive tableaus that are as rich in color as they are in imagination. Drawing from ancient and cutting edge narratives of thought, the artist asks the viewer to consider what makes YOU curious about our human experience.

And now, a word from Lucas—

On the edge of chaos and order, my spirit turns toward either frontier. The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Painting brings me closer to understanding an unknown universe that contains multitudinous dimensions, what I suspect to be myself. I look through these windows into the Transcendent. 

Lucas Lovejoy embraces the nature of beauty and the idea of God as love. Rather than optimizing for symmetry and superficial perfection, he uses uneven edges and asymmetrical shapes. These forms are ubiquitous in nature and exude honesty; they have nothing to hide. His works take each viewer on a journey of self discovery, tying complex narratives with playful characters.

Make sure to look out for The Eggman, who can be seen on Lucas’s homepage. He is a recurring, omniscient character in the artist’s works—an easter egg, if you will, who represents the manifold forms of life.

Lucas grew up in Los Angeles' Echo Park district. He moved to New York for school and completed his studies in Studio Art and Finance at NYU. Jesus' loving kindness is the source of his life.

Chinatown Soup