Chinatown Soup is pleased to present Soul Forms, an interactive exhibition of painting and printing that transcends the traditional boundaries of visual art, on view from July 12 - 25, 2021. Artist-in-residence Dustin Chan prepared the majority of presented works at Soup Studio.

And now, a word from the artist:

The Universe we collectively inhabit is a cohesive system that is the closest thing to complete perfection we can know.  All systems contained within the universe are but a part of the whole, and therefore slightly less complete and perfect no matter their individual perfection.  However, these subsystems of the universe also contain within them the fingerprint of the state of the rest of the universe.  Forms that contain within them greater amounts of symmetry are more sacred than other forms because they point to more aspects of the fingerprint of the universe, acting as a self-referential toroidal filter that identifies with the greater whole.

Fractals typically have many different types of symmetry that reference the perfection of the Universal Soul, hence the name Soul Forms.  This exhibition contains fractals in various forms.  Paintings, mathematical renderings, and sculptures all offer a different perspective on the sacred potential of everyday experiences.  Allow yourself to observe and dissolve.

Dustin Chan is a multi-disciplinary artist and designer who has worked on everything from biomaterials, consumer technology, and 3d printing, to art therapy and experimental websites. Though his chosen mediums of expression change frequently, the purpose and intention always remain the same; to find intrinsically valuable experiences in consciousness. His art practice serves as a spiritual quest to share and express the sacred space of infinite compassion and love that is the true nature of consciousness.

This quest led to the exploration of fractal geometry, which is what Dustin now spends most of his time investigating.  Fractals are forms that have the potential to reveal the non-dual nature of the universe through the lens of modern pursuits like science, engineering, and art.  Paying proper attention to the fractal nature of complex systems ultimately leads to progressive epiphanies of wisdom.  It is these epiphanies that Dustin hopes to evoke with his fractal art, which he considers to be tools that deepen spiritual understanding and self-actualization.

Chinatown Soup