Giving Birth Hurts.

They want to shoot me up, and none of it is free

with scopolamine, disassociatives, twilight sleep.


White doctor colonies frack my uterine pearl,

making mRNA money

from their gain-of-function studies.


I’m Pregnant with good news

and poetry.

To bleed right is my patriotic duty.

Bodily abundance of milk and eggs

my fertile mind drips milk into a bad dream,

as life springs from the wet raws of my egg white.


Lie me down now

I am Oxen of the Sun

where cowgirls lead the Pagan Insurrection—

dancing like wildflowers in the dog days


Chinatown Soup is delighted to present Pagan Insurrection, an exhibition of paintings, etchings, and poetry by Birdie Hall that is on view through June 6, 2021.

Birdie Hall (b. 1994) is an artist based in Montana and New York. Her paintings, etchings, drawings, and soft sculpture reimagine familiar archetypes and landscapes with a sly sense of humor that evokes spirituality, psychedelics, nature, visionary poetry, modernist literature, epistemology of science, theories of the New Age, ethnobotany, reproductive history, and the afterlife. Often combining visual and textual elements, Birdie returns to bodily experience amid the alienation of modernity and technology with deep concern for the liberation of all sentient beings. She received an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and will earn an MFA in Printmaking while teaching at New York University this year.

Chinatown Soup