Chinatown Soup is pleased to present Some Stones, an exhibition of acrylic on canvas paintings and woodworking by Christian Golden that is on view from April 12 - 25, 2021. Please join us for an opening reception on April 15th, from 6 to 9pm.

Christian’s paintings blend painterly expressions with vector aesthetics, resulting in their Tron-like appearance. His use of graphic tape can be seen in the painted works, which provides an analog impression of a digital landscape that is neither here nor there.

Some stones are found. Either having been idle for several epochs or having been planted in a new resting place. They sit amongst themselves. They talk amongst themselves. They remain when all else passes.

For the artist, these are scenes from his childhood. After school he would take a shortcut through the adjacent cemetery on his way home, passing amongst a quarry of ghosts. The space seemed to flicker between a landscape and social gathering — blurring the dichotomy between animate and inanimate.    

Christian Golden is a self-taught artist who received his Bachelor of Science in Architecture at The Ohio State University and a Master of Architecture from Yale University. He has shown work with IRS Gallery in Brooklyn and online with The London Paint Club. In 2018 he presented furniture at ICFF in New York. He is currently practicing architecture in New York City.

Chinatown Soup